Thursday 24 February 2011

Buggy Runs

I have so far been on two runs/ jogs/ trip over the dog, pick up poo, console the baby, two wheeler corners. Maybe I should call it stuttered jogs. All in all I went about 3 miles but the amount running is not all that high. I made the mistake of going for a run during the school run so not only did I jog past kids and parent who looked bemused at this red faced woman weaving with a pram along the path with dog in tow. Not to be put off I went at a quieter time and it was a lot more pleasant.
I got my t-shirt for the half marathon today so am really excited, just got to sort out a proper routine.

Where the dewberries have I been?

Well from the last posts you can see that training was going well and I was getting into it and suddenly it all stopped, no I didn't get beaten by the challenge, I ceased traing and have popped out a little sprog. I just got so tired I couldn't go running and then did a test and wham bam thankyou mam I waas pregnant.
So as running was nowhere near as painful as giving birth as well as the midrif getting gradually wider I have signed up to the Windsor Half Marathon in September. Half the distance but still a tough challenge.