Saturday 23 January 2010

The hills have killed me!

I sit here feeling preety good but cant understand how, this may be a bit dramatic but I have been through hell this morning.

Arrived up north yeterday evening and told Laura and Nicky of my new challenge and how much I am looking forward it. They are both very supportive and Nicky offered to go for a run with me in the morning. I said about me just starting and wanting a shortish run to build up my stamina. Bad idea.

The transition from flat flat flat Oxfordshire countyside to the mountainous region of Wakefield did not go well. Had to stop on the first incline as thought I was gonna be sick and couldn't breath, did a lot of spitting, which is not very lady like. Then got to the top and there was another hill, had to stop a few times. plodded slowly for a bit, with Nicky asking if I was ok, I felt sooo bad. Asked her if we were nearly there and we were not even half way! At this point I was very slow and we split up.
Nicky did some extra route, and I got directions for the quickest way back. Once the ipod was on I did ok not sure if I was faster or slower than walking pace but gettinh there.
By this point my hip was killing and calf had sharp pains, I felt so heavy.
Bit annoyed when I got lost in a housing estate but luckily saw Nicky running down the hill towards me and 5 minutes later we were back.

Thanks Nic for running the bath with bubbles for me, it was lovely, and for nearly killing me! I think it was a little too much too soon, but it probaby did me good.

In terms of distance I could have sworn it was at least 10 miles BUT Nicky says it was about 2 and a half! I am consoling myself with a cup of tea!

From this experience my enthusiasm has been slighly dashed but Nic said she will do the marathon and HellyBelly my welsh friend is considering it. So this may fuel my competitive nature.

My chest is still hurting and lots of coughing, I think its the cold air then hot bath syndrome.

I have been asked to explain the Tight Laces thing!

Well I love to go fishing with my husband Paul and its a phrase used by fisher people as it means you can catch more fish (hence the tv programme tight lines and people signing off e-mail's Tight Lines). I'm hoping that I will encourage people and myself to run further and faster with the phrase tight laces (theres nothing worse that your laces repeatedly untying on runs, although you do get a bitof a rest).

Tight Laces to you all x

1 comment:

  1. Even though your comment box doesn't work very well, I'm glad you survived the hills, if only just barely :) Good luck on the next one!
