Tuesday 26 January 2010


After my appaling lack of motivation yesterday morning I was keen to get back on track today.

Sooo, I spend most of yesterday either talking or thinking about this marathon challenge and my new blog, I must have a very sad life.

Abbie from work told me in no uncertain terms that I am not to even mention it anymore until I had 1) New trainers 2) a training plan and 3) a Garmin, I can get annoying when I go on and on as you have probably found out from reading my blog.

Nic's thanks for suggesting the 10k in March but I will be on a plane to sunnier climbs yipppee, any others? (Nic's is that ok as a mention) or how about you almost drowning me last Sunday in our walk through the floods! You did make up by taking us to the pub and drying my trousers and socks on the fire and a lovely roast, swoshed down with a couple of pints of Timothy Taylors mmmmmmm. I thought I was in heaven until I reallised we had to walk the same distance back!

I ran out of time to get running shoes at lunchtime coz yet again I was talking about it and lost track of time! No time for exercise in the evening coz had band practice! and poppped in to see dad in the hospital, he should be going home today, I can't believe how quickly he is walking on it, keep going dad but don't over do it.

Now for the reason for the title of todays blog. I AM INJURED! I cant believe it, already, just one week in. As I intended I was up and out of bed early, grabbed my ipod (crimbo pressie from my sis, kate, tahns kate its getting good use) and some Poo bags (for the dog not me!) and headed out the door after a few minutes stretching. Got to the park jogging for about 5 minutes then felt this sharp pain in my calf, pulled up short and felt my world come crashing down for a few minutes (not really, I was just trying to be dramatic) anyway threw a few more balls for the dog (His name is Marmite) and limped home. Paul responded when I got home with "that was a short run" yeh no kidding!
The thing that annoys me was that I wasn't pushing it too hard, wasn't too tired, was feeling good this morning.
Well, I had a similar thing happen a couple of years ago and on that occasion I woke up the next day and it was absolutely fine so fingers crossed, but I will see how it goes.

I'm a bit gutted but have decided to put things in perspective, I still have 9 months to go to the ultimate marathon goal so plenty of time.
I shall rest my leg for a few days and I'm sure it will be just fine,

Tight laces to you all x

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